Wie man spart: 5 Tipps, die Sie besser machen

For boxers, sparring is an essential way to put their skills to the test against real life opponents.

Unlike hitting the heavy bag, sparring teaches valuable lessons. However, to maximize the benefits of sparring, it's important to approach the sport strategically - like a chess grandmaster. Simply jumping into the ring without preparation can result in negative outcomes. 

In this article, we'll explore key factors to keep in mind before, during, and after every sparring session. Our focus is on full, unrestricted sparring, as it can be the most challenging for many fighters to execute effectively. A poorly managed sparring session can even discourage aspiring fighters and lead them to quit the sport altogether. So let’s dive into how to spar safe and effectively.

How Often Should You Spar In Boxing?

How often should a boxer spar? An age-old question all boxers face.

It's difficult to give a definitive answer to the question of how often boxers should spar. 

The frequency of sparring sessions depends on various factors, such as the boxer's age, experience, and the intensity of the session. However, based on our experience, we recommend that fighters should limit their sparring to no more than twice per week. 

Ideally, boxers should have one regular sparring session and one light sparring session each week. Contrary to popular belief, sparring more does not necessarily make a fighter better. Over-sparring can result in physical damage, making them more vulnerable to injuries. Additionally, it can be mentally draining, particularly when a sparring partner dominates them. 

It's crucial to remember that your hands and knuckles need rest, and your head should not sustain damage during sparring sessions. Taking care of your body is essential for a successful boxing career. For more tips on how to avoid injury and recover in boxing, check out our recent article here.

Boxing is a sport that involves a lot of physical contact, and neglecting your body can lead to a short-lived career. So it's essential to avoid sparring too often, as it can be detrimental to your health.

1. Picking The Right Partner

The quality of your sparring session can depend on your partner. 

Sparring with someone who is bigger, more experienced, or more skilled can result in constant defense or taking a beating, which doesn't provide an opportunity to learn. Conversely, sparring with someone who is not on your level can be unchallenging or require you to hold back. 

To maximize the benefits of sparring, find a partner whose skill level matches yours, or someone who's willing and able to match your level. This way, you'll be challenged and experience scenarios that mimic legitimate competitions. Additionally, you can work on developing new skills without worrying about being injured.

BoxRope | Pick the Right Sparring Spartner

2. Spar With A Goal In Mind

When preparing for a sparring session, it's crucial to have a goal in mind.

Are you aiming to improve your ability to slip punches or enhance the fluidity of a specific combination? Your goal will affect the setup of your session and your mindset when entering the ring. 

For instance, if your focus is on learning to read and react to your oppponent, you'll have a different approach than if you're looking to dictate speed and rhythm. Whichever area you choose to concentrate on, make it a priority when the session begins and keep revisiting it.

When you focus on a particular aspect of your technique during a session, you become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Avoid solely relying on your strengths, and challenge yourself by working on areas that need improvement.

By setting goals and focusing on them during sparring sessions, you can make better use of your time in the gym and see consistent improvements in your skills and performance.

3. Wear The Right Gear

When using sparring as a training tool, it's crucial to prioritize your safety and minimize the risk of injury - leave the knockouts for competitions. Wearing appropriate protective gear is vital as a boxer, because it allows for freedom of movement while keeping you safe. 

Headgear is also crucial to protect your head during training, reducing the fear of being hit and allowing you to focus on your training goals. Taking safety precautions seriously during sparring can prevent unnecessary injuries and help you achieve your training objectives more effectively.

When it comes to choosing sparring headgear, it's essential to balance visibility with protection. Don't pick gear that limits your ability to see your opponent just to add more padding. Seeing your opponent and being able to dodge their attacks is more important than having extra padding. 

Lastly, make sure you have the right footwear - something that provides enough support, stability, and traction in the ring. Lightweight shoes can help you save some energy and move around more comfortably. By choosing the right protective gear and footwear, you can ensure safety and improve your performance during sparring sessions and training.

4. Focus On The Fundamentals

The all-time greats like Floyd Mayweather, Muhammad Ali, Roberto Duran, and Mike Tyson had mastery of the fundamentals, and to reach that level, you must master the basics just like them.

Nothing is more fundamental to a boxer than his/her footwork and jab. Master these two skills, and everything else will come easier. Read our footwork fundamentals and jab fundamentals post here.

Make sure to keep your chin down and hands up, cover your chin, stay relaxed and flexible, and keep your eyes focused on your opponent, centered on their chest and keep breathing. These are the basics you practice all the time, whether you're hitting the bag, the mitts, or shadowboxing.

These fundamentals are essential for successful boxing techniques. When it's time to spar, you need to stick to these basics too. Why? Because how you practice is how you fight. If your fundamentals fall apart every time you spar, then they will fall apart in competitions too. 

So, while it's important to have a plan, you can't neglect the basics. 

Keep practicing them, and you'll have a better chance of success in competition.

5. Prepare To Get Hit

It doesn't matter what gear you wear or what skills you're working on - once you're in the ring and ready to spar, you're going to get hit. If you've never taken a punch before, the thought of getting hit might freak you out. But you need to prepare yourself for the inevitable contact that comes with it.

Knowing and accepting that you will get hit allows you to focus on the main purpose of sparring - learning and improving. Instead of stressing about incoming punches, you can concentrate on your training goals. However, if you're solely focused on blocking and dodging, you won't have the opportunity to develop new combinations or improve your inside fighting skills. 

Come competition time, this might not bode well for you. 

So, embrace the hits as part of the training process, and stay focused on developing your skills.


If you keep these key components in mind when stepping into the ring, improvement is guaranteed. Remember, sparring is a training tool, and the primary goal is to learn and improve. 

Although sparring "to win" can sometimes be beneficial, the intention is usually to gain experience and enhance your skills. So, focus on learning and developing your techniques, and you'll be far more successful in the long run.

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