Der Schlüssel zur Entfaltung des Meisterschaftsvertrauens in Ihrem Kind!

Many children struggle with insecurities that can create serious hurdles in their social development. Lack of confidence due to quirks or imperfections in their physical appearance, mental health issues, and learning disabilities can lead children to severe bullying, further shattering their confidence and causing a downward spiral of social inadequacy.

Your Job As Parents 

As parents we must ask ourselves, how can we equip our children with a strong foundational confidence they can carry into every social interaction throughout their development? For former Undisputed lightweight world champion George Kambosos, The answer to that question was boxing.

The Story of Former Undisputed Lightweight World Champion George Kambosos

Growing up in Australia, George faced challenges as a young child due to his weight. He struggled with being overweight, which made him a target for severe bullying. Often the last kid chosen for each schoolyard sporting event, he was referred to as "Georgie Porgy" poking fun at his pudgy cheeks.

Picking up on the debilitating struggles George was facing, his father Jimmy Kambosos decided it was time to make a change in his son's life. Jimmy took his 12-year-old son to a local boxing gym and the rest is history. "Love at first sight" was an understatement for young George, he managed to shed 25 pounds in 10 months by attending training multiple times per week!

Boxing granted George the self-defense skills to stave off intimidation from his worst bullies and enhance his physique to a point where "Georgie Porgy" became one of his school's best athletes, also excelling in the sport of Rugby! Eventually, George would leverage his love for boxing into a professional career that would see him becoming the undisputed lightweight world champion, and fighting in front of 41000 of his fellow countrymen, selling out stadiums in Australia!

3 Tips On How To Ensure Your Child's Safety In Martial Arts Class!

Parents often have concerns about enrolling their children in martial arts such as boxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, etc. due to the fear of severe injury in an uncontrolled environment.

While these concerns are perfectly reasonable, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate these risks and ensure a safe and productive learning experience for the child.

1. Vet The Head Trainer

Make sure to keep open and frequent communication with the head trainer of the gym and be sure to vet them for proper credentials and experience. Opting for a trainer with a wealth of experience in both competition and instruction is always ideal.

2. Communicate With Fellow Parents

Staying in touch with other parents who have their kids enrolled in the same martial arts classes as yours will allow you to draw from their opinions and experiences as well. This grants you a larger sample size of data to draw from in regard to whether the gym is maintaining safe and ethical practices at all times!

3. Enroll In Class With Your Kids!

Playing an active role in your kid's experience by joining along with them will all but guarantee they will feel safer and more comfortable which can help them have a more enjoyable experience, this is also a great way to make training more enjoyable for yourself by spending quality time with your children!

If you're still on the fence about having your child take up martial arts, take a look at our latest blog post on!


To this day George credits overcoming his struggles with weight and bullying to boxing, he never forgets the pain he felt on the schoolyard playground, using it as a source of limitless motivation to continue training at a world-class level day in and day out. He encourages kids currently enduring similar struggles to pick up martial arts as an outlet to find confidence by learning self-defense and getting into great shape!


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Das aus einem hochwertigen PVC-Seil gefertigte Seil wiegt etwa 15 % mehr und ist um 20 % fester gewickelt als herkömmliche Springseile. Das zusätzliche Gewicht und die Straffheit sorgen für ein befriedigendes und natürliches Gefühl.

Mit dem BoxRope Vol.1. können Sie durch zusätzliche Agilität und Kontrolle überlegene Workouts gestalten und bessere Ergebnisse erzielen. Es ist einfach das beste Seil auf dem Markt, und wir wissen, dass Sie es lieben werden.

Wenn Ihr Spiel auf die nächste Stufe, klicken Sie hier , um die besten Springseil für Boxen zu bekommen. 

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