Do you want to be the strongest and fastest fighter in your gym?

Every fighter loves the idea of being the strongest and the fastest fighter in the gym.

We all crave speed and power, 

Especially after last weekend when we saw exactly what speed and power can do to a high-level technical boxer (Haney vs. Garcia)

But despite everyone’s need to be the fastest and the strongest…

We all tend to neglect proper training that will improve our speed and power.

This is because we have all been sold a lie. 

A lie that says “Speed and power are purely genetic”. 

Now genetics do play a role in determining your base level of speed and power…

But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve it at all.

So maybe you can’t be the strongest compared to everyone at your gym…

But that does not mean you should become the strongest version of yourself,

Because even if you’re the 5th strongest, would you really care about being 5th if you could still put people on the canvas?

No of course not…

If you can still catch people off guard and knock them down then who cares where you rank compared to everyone else in the class?

So here are the 10 types of training that will give you the speed and power to spark your opponents


We are not sponsored by any of the pages or people we recommend to check out in this video. 

These are all pages we trust and personally recommend to best help you improve your speed and power.

10. Plyometric Training: 

Plyometrics is a type of exercise that focuses on explosive movements. 

They are the type of drills that separate athletes from bodybuilders because they focus more on agility and ability to produce force

Plyometrics help improve something called "muscle elasticity" and "muscle recruitment." 

Muscle elasticity is like the stretchiness of a rubber band – the more elastic your muscles are, the more energy they can store up and release quickly, making your movements faster. 

Muscle recruitment is like calling in reinforcements – plyometrics teach your body to use more muscle fibres at once, which means more power behind your punches and faster movements.

Some examples of plyometric exercises include jumping squats, box jumps, and medicine ball throws. 

But if you want to find more drills and workouts you can add to your routine then I suggest checking out Boxing Science on YouTube or…

Dimitry Bivol’s Instagram to see exactly what drills are going to increase your speed and power most effectively.

9. Resistance Training: 

This is by far the most neglected type of training in boxing, which is a shame because it is also the most effective at increasing speed and power.

But what exactly is it and what is the best way to use it?

Resistance training is a type of exercise where you work against some kind of force that makes your muscles work harder.

Some examples of resistance exercises include weight lifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance band exercises. 

As I said before, this is the most effective training method on this list because it only focuses on your muscles and completely ignores the boxing side of training.

Which also means that it comes with a variety of other benefits that often get neglected in your traditional training methods

Here are the 5 main benefits of resistance training…

1. Stronger Muscles: When you lift weights or do exercises with resistance, your muscles get stronger. This means they can push harder and faster when you throw punches or move around in the ring.
    2. Faster Muscle Contractions: Resistance training helps your muscles contract quicker. Think of it like a rubber band snapping back fast after you stretch it. This helps you punch faster because your muscles can react more rapidly.
      3. Better Coordination: When you train with resistance, your muscles learn to work together better. This coordination is super important in boxing because you need to move smoothly and quickly to dodge punches and land your own.
        4. More Explosive Power: This is found in other boxing training methods but resistance is by far the most effective way to increase explosiveness
          5. Injury Prevention: Strong muscles and better coordination from resistance training can also help prevent injuries. In boxing, where there's a lot of twisting, turning, and impact, staying injury-free is crucial.

            If you want to find more drills and workouts you can add to your routine then I suggest checking out Boxing Science on YouTube or…

            Phil Daru on Instagram to see exactly what drills are going to increase your speed and power most effectively.

            8. Shadowboxing: 

            I won’t bother explaining what shadowboxing is but it is a serious part of increasing your speed and power.

            Now it won’t build muscle or improve your speed but…

            It will help you form the muscle memory needed to throw punches more effectively.

            You can have all the speed and power in the world but if you can’t transfer that power effectively or be able to set up those shots with quick combinations then…

            All of your other muscle training will be put to waste.

            So from now on when you shadowbox, don’t just stand there and punch aimlessly.

            Instead, visualise an opponent in front of you and practice the exact movements that you can see yourself doing in the ring. 

            But don’t just practice them…

            Do your best to nitpick at your form and perfect the movements to the best of your abilities.

            7. Interval Training: 

            Interval training involves switching between high-intensity exercise and periods of rest or low-intensity activity. 

            It isn’t as focused on improving your speed and power compared to other training methods

            But it will increase your cardio so that you can maintain your speed and power in the later rounds of the fight. 

            Here is a more specific description of how it can improve speed and power…

            1. Muscle Fibers: When you do interval training, you activate different types of muscle fibres in your body. Some fibres are great for endurance, while others are better for quick bursts of energy. Interval training helps train both types, making your muscles more efficient at delivering power quickly.

              2. Energy Systems: Your body has different ways of producing energy. One system, called the anaerobic system, kicks in when you need quick bursts of power, like throwing a punch. Interval training pushes this system to work harder and become more efficient, so you can throw those punches with more power and speed.
              3. Heart Rate: Interval training also gets your heart pumping faster than steady-state exercises. This challenges your heart to become stronger and more efficient at delivering oxygen to your muscles. Think of it like your car's engine revving up to go faster.
              4. Recovery: Between intervals, your body works on recovering. This helps improve your overall fitness because it teaches your body to bounce back quickly after intense efforts, just like catching your breath after a sprint.


              If you want to find more drills and workouts you can add to your routine… 

              Then I suggest checking out Boxing Science on YouTube to see exactly what drills are going to increase your speed and power most effectively.

              6. Sprint Training: 

              Sprint training is a type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It involves short bursts of maximum-effort sprints, followed by periods of rest or active recovery. 

              It is also the worst exercise in anyone's training schedule.

              But even though we all hate doing it, sprinting specifically helps us improve speed and power in more ways than you would believe.

              Here’s how…

              1. Muscle Power: When you sprint, your muscles have to work extra hard to push you forward quickly. This helps to build up your muscle power, making your muscles stronger and faster at contracting (squeezing) when you need to throw punches in boxing.
              2. Fast Twitch Muscles: Your muscles are made up of different types of fibres. Sprinting mainly works what we call "fast twitch" muscle fibres. These are the ones responsible for explosive movements, like throwing a punch really fast. So, sprinting helps to train these fibres, making your punches quicker and more powerful.
              3. Energy System: Sprinting also trains your body's energy system to work more efficiently. When you sprint, your body uses a lot of energy really quickly. This helps your body get better at delivering energy to your muscles fast, which is super important in boxing when you need quick bursts of energy to throw punches.
              4. Reaction Time: Sprinting improves your reaction time, which is crucial in boxing. When you sprint, you need to react quickly to what's happening around you – whether it's avoiding obstacles or adjusting your speed. This translates to boxing, where you need to react fast to your opponent's moves.
              5. Overall Fitness: Sprinting isn't just about running fast; it's a whole-body workout. It strengthens your heart, lungs, and other muscles besides just your legs. This all-around fitness is essential for boxing because it helps you endure longer fights without getting tired easily.

                If you want to find more drills and workouts you can add to your routine… 

                Then I suggest checking out Red Zone Running on Instagram to see exactly what drills are going to increase your speed and power most effectively.

                5. Footwork Drills: 

                Although this drill isn’t the most effective in developing speed and power…

                It is the most important because it allows you to actually use your newly given knockout power.

                Just like shadow boxing, these drills are more focused on improving technique than improving muscle efficiency.

                Footwork drills especially will be focused on helping you learn to maintain your balance while teaching you how to transfer your energy from the base of your feet to the tip of your knuckle

                If you want to find drills and workouts you can add to your routine… 

                Then I suggest checking out Tony Jeffries on Youtube to see exactly what drills are going to increase your speed and power most effectively.

                4. Speed Bag Training: 

                It got its name for a reason.

                Speed Bag training is a staple in boxing and one of the few old-school methods that is still going strong today

                It involves hitting a small, round punching bag with quick, alternating punches. 

                This type of training can help improve hand-eye coordination, timing, and speed. Making it an excellent addition to any boxing or fitness routine. 

                Keep in mind though, that some people get lazy on the bag and this causes them to develop bad habits. 

                3. Double-End Bag Training: 

                Just like shadowboxing and footwork drills, this method is more about improving your technique than improving your muscle efficiency.

                Double-end training involves hitting a small, lightweight bag suspended between two elastic cords. 

                The double-ended bag is mainly to improve 3 things…

                Your reaction time, timing, and hand-eye coordination.

                This is crucial because your power is useless if you can’t see your opponent's openings, react quickly enough to catch them off guard, and make sure your hands hit the target while transferring all of your power.

                Plus you have to remember that all of this has to be done within milliseconds meaning instincts and muscle memory will play a big part in your ability to box effectively.

                So don’t neglect the exercises that will help you learn the technique and build the muscle memory needed to throw a knockout punch.

                2. Core Training: 

                Core/Abs are a lot more important than most boxers think.

                Remember, if you want to transfer your power from the base of your feet to the tip of your knuckle then that power must transfer through your core.

                So a failure to train your core to strengthen your core will result in all of your other strength training going to waste because…

                Your core won’t be able to transfer the extra power you are generating.

                How do you train your core?

                Sit-ups, crunches, and other bodyweight exercises ARE NOT great at strengthening your core. 

                They are great at conditioning your core and getting you used to feeling pain in those regions(replicating the pain of body shots)

                But these exercises won’t strengthen your core in a way that increases your ability to transfer power.

                If you want to find more drills and workouts that will increase your core strength and ability to transfer power… 

                Then I suggest checking out Boxing Science on YouTube to see exactly what drills are going to increase your speed and power most effectively.

                1. Heavy Bag Training: 

                This is where you put everything together and practice it before sparring.

                All of the movements, transfer of energy, explosiveness…

                It all gets put together on the heavy bag. 

                The main advantage of this is your ability to throw those hard punches and test your power without the pressure you feel in sparring.

                Now the heavy bag is still different to sparring and you will find a lot of times that you can throw something really well on the bag…

                And then try it in sparring only to get countered with a neck-whipping blow.

                But it’s important to remember that this is normal and the only way to master something in sparring is to practice it…

                IN SPARRING.

                Still, the heavy bag is an important part of practising new moves because if you can’t throw it on the heavy bag then you have 0 chance of landing it in sparring.

                So use the heavy bag like a journeyman…

                It isn’t enough to let you master any skill in boxing but it will allow you to get to a point where you can master that skill in sparring.


                So, there are the 10 exercises you need if you want to become the fastest and strongest fighter you can be. 

                But let me tell you something…

                You don't have to be the fastest or the strongest in the gym. 

                See, we all come with our own genetic package – some of us might be naturally quick, others naturally powerful. But here's the real secret…

                The best boxer isn't necessarily the strongest or the fastest, but the one who can best match his style to his genetic advantages. 

                It's about understanding what makes you unique and how you can use that to your advantage in the ring.



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