Entlarvung des Mythos: Warum morgendliche Routinen möglicherweise nicht so effektiv sind, wie Sie denken

If you’re someone who is extremely driven and always looking for new methods that other people use in order to become as productive as possible.

Then you’re definitely familiar with the idea of the morning routine,

You’ve also most likely been coerced into believing that these routines are the key to having a super productive day, making them a crucial part of your success.

Now this has to be true because whether you want to be a world-champion boxer or a successful millionaire,

The only way you can get there is by…

  1. Waking up at 4 am 
  2. Then making your bed
  3. Then having a cold shower
  4. Then write 100 things you're grateful for
  5. Then spending 30 minutes meditating
  6. Then pounding your chest in the mirror while screaming ‘You are THE MAN’

And topping it all off drink 1 liter of coffee so that you are now ready to attack whatever time is left of your day

This is an exaggeration and to be clear everybody should have a morning routine,  

The problem is that finding the right morning routine is nearly impossible because most of the “information” online about this topic…

Is an absolute SCAM

Debunking The Myth: Why Morning Routines May Not Be as Effective as You Think

The 2 Main Reasons Why Most Morning Routines Are A Scam

1. False sense of accomplishment

While morning routines can be great for starting your day off with a win and making you feel super productive

They mostly take up/waste massive amounts of time and energy

For example tasks, such as making the bed, meditating, or writing positive affirmations can make you feel like you are doing something meaningful

When in reality, they simply wasted hours of your day and accomplished nothing of any significance 

A specific example is if one of your goals is to become a better boxer 

Having to make your bed and meditate every morning won't give you an upper hand against your opponent, 

Especially when your opponent is spending his mornings going for a run, going to the gym, studying boxing at home, or doing literally anything that he believes will help him to…


The point is, instead of “developing a routine that makes you more productive”, just wake up and instantly start chasing your goals

So you can receive true fulfillment that brings you closer to your long-term objectives, rather than ticking off pointless items on a checklist.

2. You Become Stiff

Even if you do find a list of morning routines that each bring you closer to your goals

By following the same set of activities each morning, you will find comfort and a sense of control in the familiarity of your routine. 

While this routine might initially help you establish discipline and structure, it will also limit your ability to adapt

For example, cold showers can be great for boxing(Check recommended post 1 at the bottom to learn why)

However, if you get into the routine of having cold showers every morning and then for whatever reason, you miss one day

You will feel the effects for the rest of the day leading to…

  • Frustration or annoyance 
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Concerns about losing progress
  • A negative impact on your mindset
  • Increased self-criticism or guilt

Which will make it harder for you to focus and affect other aspects of your day ultimately having an even larger effect on your boxing progress.

So even though there are some routines that can have genuinely positive effects and help you reach your goals,

Being open to change and exploring alternative approaches can enhance your growth and ultimately lead to greater success in and outside of the ring. 

So how do you find your perfect routine?

Schedule Daily Instead of Morning routines

While morning routines make you feel productive and provide structure to the start of your day, scheduling actually makes you productive by providing structure to your entire day. 

The main benefit of scheduling is that you can prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. 

This enables you to optimize your productivity by getting the most important things done when your focus is at its highest and leaving the less important task for later

On top of that, it also allows for greater flexibility and adaptability, so your whole day doesn't get ruined by one tiny setback. 

By being intentional about time management and incorporating gaps into the schedule, you leave yourself flexible to any unforeseen roadblocks and get back on track.

Overall, scheduling is the better, more productive, and more flexible option when compared to morning routines 

However, similar to morning routines, what matters more than having a schedule is how you decide to make your schedule.

How To Rank Tasks 

If you're going to fill your schedule with the same tasks, things like making your bed, meditating, and writing affirmations, 

Then your schedule is going to be just as useless as your morning routine.

So how do you know what tasks to prioritize on your schedule and which tasks can be left for later?

Now you could rank each task on a list, from what you believe to be the most to least important.

However, that leaves you open to biases making you more likely to convince yourself that the more enjoyable tasks should come first.

To avoid this, what you need to do is instead categorize your tasks each day

Categorization allows you to identify the tasks that align with your goals, values, and long-term aspirations, ensuring that you allocate adequate time and energy to them. 

This process helps you avoid falling into the trap of busy work or getting caught up in tasks that may seem urgent but lack true importance. 

Moreover, by distinguishing between the least and most important tasks, you can allocate your resources wisely, focusing on activities that yield the highest value and impact. 

So how exactly are you supposed to categorize your tasks?

With the help of the Matrix

That's right the MATRIX

But not the movie matrix and not the evil matrix, you need…

The Eisenhower Matrix 

The Eisenhower Matrix is a productivity tool that helps individuals prioritize tasks and manage their time effectively.

This matrix categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on their urgency and importance. 

The first quadrant, "Urgent and Important," represents tasks that require immediate attention and should be addressed promptly, such as deadlines or pressing issues. 

The second quadrant, "Important but Not Urgent," consists of tasks that contribute to long-term goals and personal growth, such as planning, strategizing, or skill development. 

The third quadrant, "Urgent but Not Important," includes tasks that demand immediate attention but don't necessarily align with your priorities, such as interruptions or some types of meetings. 

Finally, the fourth quadrant, "Not Urgent and Not Important," encompasses tasks that are neither time-sensitive nor significant and often include distractions or time-wasting activities. 

By utilizing the Eisenhower Matrix, you can prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, ensuring that you allocate your time and energy efficiently and focus on activities that align with your goals and values.


In conclusion, while morning routines may offer a sense of structure and productivity, they often fall short of delivering true results. Many routines touted online are scams that waste valuable time and energy without yielding significant outcomes. Additionally, following a rigid routine can make you inflexible and resistant to change, limiting your ability to adapt and grow.

A more effective approach is to embrace scheduling as a means of prioritizing tasks throughout the day. Scheduling allows you to allocate time-based on importance and urgency, ensuring that you focus on the most critical activities when your concentration is at its peak. It also provides flexibility to handle unexpected setbacks without derailing your entire day.

To determine which tasks to prioritize, it is crucial to categorize them using a tool like the Eisenhower Matrix. This matrix helps you differentiate between urgent and important tasks, enabling you to allocate resources wisely and concentrate on activities that align with your long-term goals and values. By leveraging the Eisenhower Matrix, you can enhance your productivity and make meaningful progress toward your objectives.

Ultimately, finding the perfect routine is not about following a specific set of actions each morning but about adopting a mindset of intentional time management and prioritization. By focusing on what truly matters and utilizing effective tools like scheduling and the Eisenhower Matrix, you can maximize your productivity, adaptability, and success both in and outside of your chosen endeavors.

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